Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Speech textbook: 1593

(((From Henry Peachum's Garden of Eloquence. If I had two lifetimes, I would learn all the strictures and rules of Elizabethan Rhetoric. Total elegance.))


Schemates Rhetorical be those figures or forms of speaking, which do take away the wearisomnesse of our common speech, and do fashion a pleasant, sharpe, and evident kind of expressing our meaning: which by the artificiall forme doth give unto matters great strength, perspicuitie and grace, which figures be devided into three orders.
The first order

The first order containeth those figures which do make the oration plaine, pleasant, and beautifull, pertaining rather to words then to sentences, and rather to harmonie and plesant proportion, then to gravitie and dignitie, and the figures of this first order I devide into fower kinds, according to their sundrie formes, of which the first are of Repetition, the second of Omission, the third of conjunction, the fourth of separation.
Figures of Repetition.

* Epanaphora
* Epiphora
* Symploce
* Ploce
* Diaphora
* Epanalepsis
* Anadiplosis
* Epizeuxis
* Diacope
* Traductio
* Paroemion

These are called the figures or repetition, by which one word may with much comelinesse be rehearsed in diverse clauses, and may ten maner of wayes be pleasantly repeated: and likewise one and the same letter by Paroemion may be repeaated in the beginning of diverse words.

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