I was just looking up the Batman villain Solomon Grundy and ended up getting mired in the DC Crisis of Infinite Earths.--if you understand that thing you're a bigger geek than I. But anyways, I drew back to Solomon Grundy and discovered that he's based on a very catchy English nursery rhyme.. I looked at those and found this picture
Anyways, I looked up "Ring around the Rosies" and learned that the whole "plague connection" was a total myth--(good; the idea of hollow-eyed orphans singing that over corpsesmoke always creeped me). Anyways that linked me to the miasma theory of disease.. "Miasma," that's a word I couldn't stop using when I first heard it.
Point being, I didn't study any of these topics in great length; I just got the instaneous gist and went crazy drawing a gossamer web of tangents.
If I had been prescribed Ritalin for my ADD junk food mind, I'd still be looking at some damn Batman entry or perhaps writing speed-addled, elaborate Philip K. Dick fiction that collapses on its own construction and tethers out. Short attention spans aren't a defect--they're evolution for an age of increased information output.
Just look at the etymology of university--"unity from diversity." Batman to Miasma? That's academic, kid.
Now I'm sharing it with no one in particular on a blog complete with links and rocking out to M.I.A on my Itunes. I don't disagree with those who choose to ignore the internet in favor of reading Jane Austen under a great tulip poplar. I just wonder if they sometimes feel increasingly irrelevant.
Man, oh man, I need to find a slick fucking grad school. Oh, here's one.
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