Thursday, October 4, 2007

Jacob Boehme & other Christian mysticism

Hey, you can read the of 16th century Christian mystic Jacob Boehme online.
I don't think I'm going to, but you sure can.
"The eternal world or the external life is not a valley of suffering for those who enjoy it, but only for those who know of a higher life. The animal enjoys animal life;the intellect the intellectual realm; but he who has entered into regeneration recognizes his terrestial existence as a burden and prison. With this recognition he takes upon himself the cross of Christ."
You can also read "The Cloud of Unknowing in its entirety.
Anonymously written by an English monk in the 14th century, Wikipedia describes it as "Christianity with a Zen outlook" and the basis for the practice of centering prayer developed by Trappist monks.
Perhaps President Bush has read it, for he too, is a passionate Christian scholar.
Finally, if you want a soundtrack for psychedelic Christian reflection check out the Trees Community--young Jesus Junkies who played about 70 instruments.

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