3 Ply ORAC
5 Ply ORAC
7 Ply ORAC
10 Ply ORAC
20 Ply ORAC
Orgone Accumulator KITS
Designed for an individual to sit inside, the orgone accumulator attracts energy from the outside atmosphere, concentrates it on the inside where it comes into contact with the users' energy field and the two fields luminate, creating an even stronger charge. The body easily absorbs this energy as it is the same bio-energy that permeates everything, giving life and vitality: what Wilhelm Reich, it's discoverer, called "orgone energy". Using an orgone energy accumulator will expand your energy field, increasing the amount of energy in all your cells and tissues and improve your immune system; it will melt away stress and impart a feeling of well-being.
The large, sit-in, life energy accumulators are made in an energetically clean environment and from natural, high-quality materials. Much time, care, knowledge, and attention goes into the making of every orgone accumulator.
YOU SHOULD KNOW: Please read the section "WHAT IS ORGONE ENERGY and Who Can Use an Orgone Accumulator" to learn about the restrictions on using an orgone accumulator. People with the following conditions should not use an orgone accumulator device, or only with careful monitoring by a health care professional:
chronic high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, decompensated heart disease, brain tumors, skin inflammations, conjunctivitis, people who suffer from apoplectic attacks and people with ALS or MS should use caution.
Because orgone energy is "allergic" to strong electromagnetic fields and certain forms of radiation, orgone accumulators should also not be placed near operating CRT TVs, fluorescent lights, CRT computers, microwaves, x-ray equipment, electric heaters, sparking motors, strong fumes, radioactive smoke detectors and within 25 miles of a nuclear power plant. The new flatscreen TVs and computers do not seem to have the disturbing energy fields.
They are not medical devices.
If you have a medical problem, please consult a health care professional.
It seems that they are dancing around the actual 'type' of energy that the Orgone Chamber was designed to gather. The energy that is released when people masterbate. Not the energy that people engaging in sex release, because that is received by their partner. Specifically, the money shot of a solitary stroker, not having found it's bullseye, hanging in the atmosphere, heavy like a wet blanket. Apparently, that's a very large, wet blanket and the O.C. sponged it all up and helped W.S. Burroughs deal with his junk sickness and cancer.
I couldn't agree more, Dexter.
heather and i went to see a movie about this at BAM. well, the movie was about wilheim reich's ideas and work.
How much would a 20ply orgone accumulator cost ?
Hi I'm still interested in a 20ply orgone accumulator. We emailed each other before. Could please give me the full price with shipping and handling. Thank you
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